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Photo Collections
Most of our photos are factory authorized photos, like this 1959 General Motors Firebird III Concept Car Factory Photo. Because of the age and projected use, most are in black and white, but many others are in color.
Click on any of the images on AutomotiveTimelines and the photos will appear in a lightbox that will allow you to view them in a slide show.
These vintage photos of a 1929 Pontiac were purchased, so it is unknow when the photos were taken, why or where, or who the people in the photographs are. Photos that were donated and came with history details will be noted as such in the timelines.
Postcard Collections
The postcards in the collection will have front and rear views. Most have never been posted, but others have historic value with a note written about events taking place during that time.
This Dodge Brothers postcard was mailed October 13, 1919 from Detroit, by a new factory worker. His message states that he would be paid $8.oo for a 9 hour day.
Print Advertising Collections
We do have many magazine ads in the collection, but some may not be what you were expecting.
This advertisement for Tussy cosmetics, announces a Mustang Sweepstakes to give three girls in the world a chance to own a pink 1967 Mustang in one of three shades of pink, to match their lipstick. The colors were new "revved-up" shades of Tussy lipstick, Racy Pink, Shimmery Racy Pink Frosted, and Defroster Pink. This ad was published in September of 1966 in Seventeen magazine, so it had to be photographed earlier. The contest is to win a 1967 Mustang even though a 1966 Mustang was used for the early photography. The new 1967 Mustang would be introduced on September 30, 1966. We have the regular car ads too, plus, there are thousands of magazines in the collection with vintage ads still inside.
Video Collections
There are vintage TV commercials, training filmstrips, and other videos of interest in the collection. We typically don't use videos branded with company or personal names on them. That's not the way you would have seen them originally.
You will find TV commercials from all over the world. This 1994 Opel TV spot, has some stars you will recognize, even if you don't speak German.
You will find many kinds of videos here, all sorted into the timelines of the cars in the film. Here is a 1968 Mustang GT390 and Dodge Charger in one of the best chase scens ever filmed, Bullitt, released October 17, 1968. In one of the books in our reference library, The Greatest Movie Car Chases of all Time, Jesse Crosse writes that Dodge Charger sales increased dramatically after the release of the movie.
You will be informed of the culture as it was through time as well. The cover of the July, 1966 issue of Dodge News magazine, shows Hermans Hermits, one of the popular "British Invasion" rock bands of the 60's. Watch a video of Hermans Hermits as they appeared on television in the 60's, because you should know what the authorial audience knew then.
Movie Collections
There are many movies in the AutomotiveTimelines Drive-in. Some are older than the first Drive-in theater, but relate to cars. There are also cartoons, and movies that may or may not have ever played in a Drive-in theater setting, but they are all part of stepping back in history with your favorite vehicles. There are also theatrical trailers for vintage movies throughout the website.
Buster Keaton and "Fatty" Arbuckle star in this 1920 silent film, The Garage. This pre-Drive-in era movie is a collection of gags constructed around a small-town garage that also serves as the volunteer fire and police department.
You will also find other sources of vintage film entertainment. This cartoon was animated by Disney Studios in 1950. The cartoon features Goofy as Mild-mannered average guy Mr. Walker, who turns into ill-mannered Mr. Wheeler when he starts driving.
The idea for the first Drive-In was patented in May of 1933 by Richard Hollingshead and opened in June of 1933. In December of 1933, Louis Josserand, an architect from Texas, also filed a patent for his similar idea. Legal battles would take place through 1955 over royalties owed to Hollingshead for his idea, but most Drive-In operators never paid.
Many of the movies on AutomotiveTimelines never played at a Drive-In, some pre-date that era, but it seems the most appropriate name for our movie, trailer, and cartoon collection. Members can enjoy the Drive-in, and we will continue to expand the selection of movies and cartoons on a regular basis. There will also be a TV generation section in the near future, where you can see all the auto related TV shows from the past.
Owners Manual Collections
Owners manuals are one of the best ways to get to know a car or truck. Because there are so many manuals in the AutomotiveTimelines collection, the library of owners manuals is sorted into decades to make loading faster, and finding cars from a certain year easier. If you want to view all the manuals of every year for a certain manufacturer, just select the ALL page, and you can filter the ones you want to see. Click on the Open button to see the unlocked sample, just as they work in the timelines and library. Digital versions are available at a modest cost.
You can get a free sample digital download here.Get the free Flip-book for Windows PC and the free PDF here.
Smartphone users or others that just want the free PDF without the flip-book can get it here. This link will download the free PDF 1964 Chevelle Owners Manual.
1964 Chevelle Owners Manual

The flipbooks in our library and timelines open on a new full page. The demos on this page open in a modal, and can be made full screen if desired by clicking on the size screen icon in the modal.
Other Manual Collections
Service manuals can get rather large, so the work loads can be demanding to scan these. The smaller manuals are being populated first, and we have hundreds of larger manuals to ad as the library expands. There will be service manuals from manufacturers and after-market publishers as well as specialized service and repair books, Body manuals, Parts books and more.
The flipbooks in our library and timelines open on a new full page. The demos on this page open in a modal, and can be made full screen if desired by clicking on the size screen icon in the modal.
1927 Chevrolet Closed Body Manual
Magazine Collections
There are magazines in the collection dating back to the 1800's and from well over 100 publishers. We have Motor Trend, Car and Driver, and Road and Track back to the first years they were published, and many others that are less known, older and harder to find.
Other magazines that have stories of interest to our members are also included in the collection. We don't just tell you Waler P. Chrysler was Time magazines man of the year, or what George Romney said about small cars, we show you the whole magazine. Step back in time and read about it. This grand mix is designed to take you back in time to when your favorite cars were new.
The Manufacturer magazines were very popular. They offered places to travel in your new car, vacation ideas, many had recipies, and the latest information on the car company that published the magazine. It was designed to be a family oriented magazine and they were simular to many other motorist oriented magazines of the day (you will find those here too). We have a very large collection of manufacturer magazines, hundreds yet to scan, and many are hard to find and would demand a high price to purchase.
Studebaker Wheel Magazine September 1928
Brochure Collections
There is a large collection of car and truck brochures in the AutomotiveTimelines collection. Like everything else, there are thousands in line to be scanned and placed in the library and timelines. This 1931 Buick Features and construction of the Buick Straight Eight brochure is one example.
1931 Buick Features and construction Original Brochure
There will be over 1000 manufacturers represented in the AutomotiveTimelines collection. At this time, many of the timelines that are set up have pages that are not populated, or do not have historic content yet. Even when there are a limited supply of photos in place, it does not indicate that the page is complete yet. There will be a Collections area added in the near future where timelines of collections such as the Indianapolis 500 Races will be displayed, and much more.
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Platinum Membership gives you all the options, at a special introductory price while we are populating the website. Platinum Members will never pay more for an annual membership, as long as your subscription is not allowed to expire. This is a limited time introductory offer that will expire without notice.
About AutomotiveTimelines Original Literature Collections
All the AutomotiveTimelines literature collection has been scanned from original literature. Once literature is scanned for the digital collection, it is offered for sale in our stores. Digital downloads are also available at a modest cost, in flip-book and PDF formats. Literature that has been donated to the collection has a credits tab to acknowledge the generosity of the donor. All these collections will be right here in one place, in our library and in over 1000 manufacturer timelines once the website is filled out. Join now, before the Platinum offer expires.