Rick Robinson
Rick Robinson is the owner of AutomotiveTimelines.com. The website was created to be a family friendly website that takes the visitor back in time through photos, videos, music, and vintage literature. No negative comments or opinion, just documented dialog. The website will be found usefull for education, restoration projects, and just plain enthusiastic fun. Rick Robinson was an inventory manager at Chevrolet dealerships for many years. You can contact Rick at rick@automotivetimelines.com.You can select Customer Service under Help/About on the menu at any time to contact us or to open a support ticket for help or questions. Your request will be directed to the right person to help you.
Adrian Britton
Adrian Britton has been restoring vintage vehicles for decades, and is now the AutomotiveTimelines.com Restoration Pro. You can contact Adrian at adrian@automotivetimelines.com, or post your question to one of the articles in our blog. You do not have to be a member to ask for help. You can select Customer Service under Help/About on the menu at any time to contact us or to open a support ticket for help or questions. Your request will be directed to the right person to help you.
Don Hassee
Don Hassee is the AutomotiveTimelines.com Archive Specialist. Don is working on thousands of pages and literature in our inventory to add them to AutomotiveTimelines for our members and guest. You can contact Don at don@automotivetimelines.com. You can select Customer Service under Help/About on the menu at any time to contact us or to open a support ticket for help or questions. Your request will be directed to the right person to help you.
David Robinson
David Robinson is the AutomotiveTimelines.com Curator. We have thousands of items to add to AutomotiveTimelines from over 1000 vehicle companies worldwide. You can contact David at david@automotivetimelines.com. You can select Customer Service under Help/About on the menu at any time to contact us or to open a support ticket for help or questions. Your request will be directed to the right person to help you.