American Motors is now has the image of a prudent, economical compact car manufacturer. George Romney's Rambler strategy has now placed AMC in fourth place for sales. Studebaker entered the economy market in 1959 with the Lark, and GM, Ford, and Chrysler bring new compact cars to the market for 1960.
A record player and a filmstrip projector were used for new product training in 1960. The record included a "ding" sound to let the projection operator know it was time to advance the filmstrip. This training film is recorded from an LP record, so you will hear the "ding" each time just before the filmstrip advances. Rambler 1960 - the New Standard, is the new product sales training filmstrip for 1960, just the way it was seen then.
This owners manual covers the 1960 Rambler Six, Rebel, and Ambassador.
1960 Rambler Six, Rebel, Ambassador Owners Manual
Andy Griffith, Season 5 Episode 17. (You can play any of our videos full screen.)
See more about the Met line, in the Metropolitan Timeline.