This 1936 Chevrolet is photographed with then 26 year old actress, Gloria Shea. Her movies released in 1936 include, Black Gold, and Dangerous Intrigue.
1936 Chevrolet Leader News
Chevrolet Leader News was a theatrical newsreel style film, entertaining audiences and promoting the new Chevrolet.
This is the 1936 Vol 2 Number 1 reel of Chevrolet Leader News. Stories include Miami, Florida police shooting at stationary targets from moving cars; Southern youngsters learn safe driving habits while driving in kiddie cars on miniature streets; Chautauqua Lake ferry uses two automobile engines as power.
1936 Chevrolet Leader News
Chevrolet Leader News was a theatrical newsreel style film, entertaining audiences and promoting the new Chevrolet.
This is the 1936 Vol 2 Number 2 reel of Chevrolet Leader News. Stories include a Chevrolet pulling an aquaplane along the beach; an isolated Kentucky village linked to the world by motor cars; alligator wrestling; mobility for the Miami Beach police; new parking meters in Dallas, Texas.
1936 Chevrolet Leader News
Chevrolet Leader News was a theatrical newsreel style film, entertaining audiences and promoting the new Chevrolet.
This is the 1936 Vol 2 Number 3 reel of Chevrolet Leader News. Stories include bathing girls dive from top of Chevrolet automobile; owner of 1913 car trades it in for a new 1936 Chevrolet; Jack Dempsey referees a boys' boxing match; a seven-foot tall giant man inspects the Chevrolet Turret Top; a fishing expedition in the Ozark Mountains; a car driven into the water so that fish can swim in and be trapped;
the Detroit police traffic safety campaign; a birthday party for children and domestic dogs.
1936 Chevrolet Leader News
Chevrolet Leader News was a theatrical newsreel style film, entertaining audiences and promoting the new Chevrolet.
This is the 1936 Vol 2 Number 4 reel of Chevrolet Leader News. Stories include the Boudoir Express, dressing rooms on wheels in which women can change into swimsuits; Detroit police directing traffic with a talking safety car;
miniature model planes at the International Air Derby; petroleum geologists X-raying the ground in search for oil; a seagoing, amphibious automobile navigating a lake; Mickey, the firefighting cat of Minneapolis.
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All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items may have stains or other age
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All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages.
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All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others are almost perfect. All of our literature is sold in our store after it is scanned for our automotive archives here on AutomotiveTimelines.
1936 Chevrolet Standard Sport Sedan
1936 Chevrolet Sedan Factory Photo
1936 Chevrolet Yelow Cab Factory Photo
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
1936 Sales Network
In 1936, Chevrolet was building a network of wholesale selling offices.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages.
Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $3.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others are almost perfect.