By default, our Libraries are sorted by year. You can filter what you want to view by using the "View Manuals by Manufacturer" bar at the top of the page.
All of our digital content has been scanned from our original vintage literature collections. Some items may have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others may be almost perfect.
We have hundreds of manuals still in our collection to scan and archive. Once the literature is archived, digital downloads are available, and the original literature is made available for sale in our store.
1920 Dort Parts Book
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items may have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others may be almost perfect.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1927 Chevrolet Closed Body Manual
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others are almost perfect.
This manual was donated by member Adrian Britton. Thank you Adrian, for helping AutomotiveTimelines to preserve automotive history and provide documentation for education and restoration projects.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1929 Buick Fisher Body Manual
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1934 Chrysler Airflow Body Manual
1934 Chrysler Airflow Body Manual
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others are almost perfect.
This manual was donated by member Adrian Britton. Thank you Adrian, for helping AutomotiveTimelines to preserve automotive history and provide documentation for education and restoration projects.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1936-1942 Plymouth Service Manual
1936-1942 Plymouth Service Manual
Covers 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942 Plymouth Cars
After payment is accepted, you will receive a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items may have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others may be almost perfect.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1939-1947 Cadillac Repair Manual
1939-1947 Cadillac Thompson Repair Manual
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items may have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others may be almost perfect.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1941 Cadillac Hydra-Matic Shop Manual
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others are almost perfect.
This manual was donated by member Adrian Britton. Thank you Adrian, for helping AutomotiveTimelines to preserve automotive history and provide documentation for education and restoration projects.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1946 Buick Hydro-lectric Power System Manual
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items may have stains or other age aquired flaws, while others may be almost perfect.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1948 Dodge Route-Van Service Reference Book
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items may have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others may be almost perfect.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1949 Sport Coupe Fisher Body Manual - Cadillac Coupe De Ville, Buick Riviera, Oldsmobile Holiday
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1952-1953 Kaiser Shop Manual Supplement
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others are almost perfect.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1954 Ford Service Specifications
1954 Ford Service Specifications Cars and Trucks
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1955 Chevrolet Accessories Manual
1955 Chevrolet Accessories Installation Reference Manual
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others are almost perfect.
This manual was donated by member Adrian Britton. Thank you Adrian, for helping AutomotiveTimelines to preserve automotive history and provide documentation for education and restoration projects.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1962 Ford Fairlane Body Service Manual
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items may have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others may be almost perfect.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1965 Ford Mustang Wiring Diagram Manual
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.
1968 Chevrolet Service Manual
Corvette, Chevy II, Camaro
After payment is accepted, you will recieve a link to download your zip file containing a flipbook version for any Windows based pc, just like you see on this website, and a pdf file containing all the pages. Download the flipbook version and the PDF for only $5.99.
All of the digital downloads have been scanned from our original vintage literature collection. Some items have stains or other age acquired flaws, while others are almost perfect.
This manual was donated by member Adrian Britton. Thank you Adrian, for helping AutomotiveTimelines to preserve automotive history and provide documentation for education and restoration projects.
All of the literature in the AutomotiveTimelines archives have been scanned from original literature. Once an item is scanned for the website, it can be offered for sale. Check out the AutomotiveTimeliens store for car and truck literature you can purchase.